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I am so happy that we finally reach the end of this series. Today we are going to do a computer simulation experiment using MATLAB to demonstrate the key concepts of OCT, including TDOCT & FDOCT.
We first setup the parameters of the system. We simulate a retina with only 7 layers (there are in fact 10 layers) for simplification. The 8th layer is sclera with significantly larger reflection rate, which allows us to observe the effect of having a layer with high reflection rate. One line in the above code could show the spectrum of the light we are using. Let's see how it looks like:
It looks like our light source have a broad spectrum and low coherence. I bet it could serve well. Now let's start our experiment from TDOCT.
嗯,光譜散得很開,看起來是一個low cohenece的光源,相信他可以勝任愉快。我們接下來就要進行模擬實驗了,我們先從簡單的TDOCT開始。
We first write down the electric field coming from reference optical path and sample optical path, then adjust the scanning depth of reference optical path, and finally sum the energy of all light with different wavelengths. By doing so, we leave only the cross correlation term retaining its dependency on the reference optical path length. Let's see our result:
我們先寫出了參考光徑的反射光與樣本路徑的反射光的電場形式之後,我們調整我們要掃描的參考光徑長,然後在每個長度之下,把不同波長的光能全部加總。藉由這個方式,原本測得的電流讀值有三個terms,現在就只剩下cross correlation terms還保有對參考光徑長的dependency,其他兩項都變成常數,我們來看看最後面print出來的結果:
It looks really great, right? We then have to check the peak location by labeling them...
看起來真的很不錯對吧?我們再來要核對一下出現peak的位置是不是就是我們要的位置,所以我們用data cursor把peak的位置標一標:
They perfectly match our initial settings! However, it should be noted that we did not detect the sclera because we did not adjust our reference optical path till 0.025000 m. This is the main problem of TDOCT. The accuracy and the range of reference optical path length directly determine what you will get. That's all for the TDOCT. Let's move on to FDOCT.
We will play the FDOCT twice. One with appropriate reference optical length while the other inappropriate. In FDOCT, we record the interference of different wavelength, transform it into z-domain with Fourier transform, and finally check the location of the peak. In the following figure we have already add back the reference optical path length to our peak locations.
The FDOCT results look great, too. But we still have to check the location of peaks......
These peaks look okay. What about the other ones?
You must have noticed some false peaks in our results. How could they even exist??? Actually this is a trap set by me. I hope everyone could remind himself/herself of the short-coming of FDOCT?? The locations of these false peaks are actually predictable. Please carefully figure it out by yourself.
Now let's see what would happen if we initially set an inappropriate reference optical path lengh.
Let's see our results......
I guess it looks bad enough already. Please remember to check the appropriateness of the reference optical path length.
And finally let's see what would happen if we use a highly coherent light source such as laser for our OCT experiment:
The spectrum of our light source looks like this:
It's highly coherent and looks sexy. However, we will soon realize that using a laser for OCT is definitely the most foolish idea that you could ever come up with.
Let's see the TDOCT results using a laser:
I guess it's needless to explain anything now: it just looks terrible. Let's then see how would FDOCT looks like using a laser:
As disastrous as the previous one.
We hope that after these 4 episodes, all of you could understand the basic principles of OCT!
%% Basic Settings k0 = 12E6; %central wave number, green light delk = 3E6; %wave number spread S_k = @(k) 1./(delk*sqrt(pi)).*exp(-((k-k0)/delk).^2); %power spectrum of light source figure h = ezplot(S_k, [4E6, 20E6]); title('low coherence light source spectrum', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); xlabel('wave number(m^{-1})', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); ylabel('Relative intensity', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); set(h,'Linewidth',2); print('low coherence light source spectrum','-dpng'); zs1 = 0.024000; rs1 = 0.00025;%normal eye AP length zs2 = 0.024030; rs2 = 0.00010; zs3 = 0.024090; rs3 = 0.00015; zs4 = 0.024150; rs4 = 0.00005; zs5 = 0.024200; rs5 = 0.00020; zs6 = 0.024310; rs6 = 0.00010; zs7 = 0.024350; rs7 = 0.00030;%artificial retina layers settings zs8 = 0.025000; rs8 = 0.99100;%sclera rR = 1; % reflectivity of reference reflector
We first setup the parameters of the system. We simulate a retina with only 7 layers (there are in fact 10 layers) for simplification. The 8th layer is sclera with significantly larger reflection rate, which allows us to observe the effect of having a layer with high reflection rate. One line in the above code could show the spectrum of the light we are using. Let's see how it looks like:
It looks like our light source have a broad spectrum and low coherence. I bet it could serve well. Now let's start our experiment from TDOCT.
嗯,光譜散得很開,看起來是一個low cohenece的光源,相信他可以勝任愉快。我們接下來就要進行模擬實驗了,我們先從簡單的TDOCT開始。
%% normal setting demonstration E_R = @(zr, k) sqrt(S_k(k))/2*rR.*exp(1i*2*k*zr); E_s = @(k) sqrt(S_k(k))/2.*(rs1*exp(1i*2*k*zs1) +rs2*exp(1i*2*k*zs2) + rs3*exp(1i*2*k*zs3) + rs4*exp(1i*2*k*zs4) + rs5*exp(1i*2*k*zs5) + rs6*exp(1i*2*k*zs6) + rs7*exp(1i*2*k*zs7) + rs8*exp(1i*2*k*zs8)); %TDOCT zr_range = 0.023500:0.000001:0.024500; %scanning distance range, does not include sclera E_R_range = @(k) E_R(zr_range, k); I_D_TDOCT = @(k) (abs(E_R_range(k) + E_s(k))).^2; I_D_zr = integral(I_D_TDOCT, 4E6, 20E6, 'ArrayValued', true); figure, plot(zr_range, I_D_zr, 'Linewidth',2); xlim([0.023500, 0.024500]); title('TDOCT result, low coherence light source', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');xlabel('z_R(m)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');ylabel('I_D(z_R)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');%plot TDOCT result print('TDOCT low coherence light source ','-dpng');
We first write down the electric field coming from reference optical path and sample optical path, then adjust the scanning depth of reference optical path, and finally sum the energy of all light with different wavelengths. By doing so, we leave only the cross correlation term retaining its dependency on the reference optical path length. Let's see our result:
我們先寫出了參考光徑的反射光與樣本路徑的反射光的電場形式之後,我們調整我們要掃描的參考光徑長,然後在每個長度之下,把不同波長的光能全部加總。藉由這個方式,原本測得的電流讀值有三個terms,現在就只剩下cross correlation terms還保有對參考光徑長的dependency,其他兩項都變成常數,我們來看看最後面print出來的結果:
It looks really great, right? We then have to check the peak location by labeling them...
看起來真的很不錯對吧?我們再來要核對一下出現peak的位置是不是就是我們要的位置,所以我們用data cursor把peak的位置標一標:
They perfectly match our initial settings! However, it should be noted that we did not detect the sclera because we did not adjust our reference optical path till 0.025000 m. This is the main problem of TDOCT. The accuracy and the range of reference optical path length directly determine what you will get. That's all for the TDOCT. Let's move on to FDOCT.
%FDOCT-1 zr1 = 0.023500; %an appropriate zr choice E_R_k = @(k) E_R(zr1, k); I_D_FDOCT1 = @(k) abs(E_s(k)+E_R_k(k)).^2; k_range = 8E6:1E3:14E6; delX = pi/(2*(14E6-8E6)); x_range = 0:delX:delX*(length(k_range)-1); I_D_k1 = I_D_FDOCT1(k_range); i_D_z1 = dct(I_D_k1); %discrete cosine transform %figure, plot(x_range+zr1, i_D_z1); figure, plot(x_range+zr1, log(abs(i_D_z1)), 'Linewidth',2);%to illustrate the peak title('FDOCT result, low coherence, correct z_R choice', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');xlabel('z_s(m)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');ylabel('i_D(z_s)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); print('FDOCT result low coherence correct zR','-dpng');
We will play the FDOCT twice. One with appropriate reference optical length while the other inappropriate. In FDOCT, we record the interference of different wavelength, transform it into z-domain with Fourier transform, and finally check the location of the peak. In the following figure we have already add back the reference optical path length to our peak locations.
The FDOCT results look great, too. But we still have to check the location of peaks......
These peaks look okay. What about the other ones?
You must have noticed some false peaks in our results. How could they even exist??? Actually this is a trap set by me. I hope everyone could remind himself/herself of the short-coming of FDOCT?? The locations of these false peaks are actually predictable. Please carefully figure it out by yourself.
Now let's see what would happen if we initially set an inappropriate reference optical path lengh.
%FDOCT-2 zr2 = 0.024500; %an inappropriate zr choice E_R_k = @(k) E_R(zr2, k); I_D_FDOCT2 = @(k) abs(E_s(k)+E_R_k(k)).^2; k_range = 8E6:1E3:14E6; I_D_k2 = I_D_FDOCT2(k_range); i_D_z2 = dct(I_D_k2); %discrete cosine transform %figure, plot(x_range+zr2, i_D_z2); figure, plot(x_range+zr2, log(abs(i_D_z2)), 'Linewidth',2);%to illustrate the peak title('FDOCT result, low coherence, incorrect z_R choice', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');xlabel('z_s(m)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');ylabel('i_D(z_s)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); print('FDOCT result low coherence incorrect zR','-dpng');
Let's see our results......
I guess it looks bad enough already. Please remember to check the appropriateness of the reference optical path length.
And finally let's see what would happen if we use a highly coherent light source such as laser for our OCT experiment:
%% coherent light source k0 = 12E6; %central wave number, green light delk = 1E4; %wave number spread S_k = @(k) 1./(delk*sqrt(pi)).*exp(-((k-k0)/delk).^2); figure h= ezplot(S_k, [4E6, 20E6]); ylim([0, 6E-6]); set(h,'Linewidth',2); title('high coherence light source spectrum', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); xlabel('wave number(m^{-1})', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); ylabel('Relative intensity', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); print('high coherence light source spectrum','-dpng'); E_R = @(zr, k) sqrt(S_k(k))/2*rR.*exp(1i*2*k*zr); E_s = @(k) sqrt(S_k(k))/2.*(rs1*exp(1i*2*k*zs1) +rs2*exp(1i*2*k*zs2) + rs3*exp(1i*2*k*zs3) + rs4*exp(1i*2*k*zs4) + rs5*exp(1i*2*k*zs5) + rs6*exp(1i*2*k*zs6) + rs7*exp(1i*2*k*zs7) + rs8*exp(1i*2*k*zs8));
The spectrum of our light source looks like this:
It's highly coherent and looks sexy. However, we will soon realize that using a laser for OCT is definitely the most foolish idea that you could ever come up with.
Let's see the TDOCT results using a laser:
%TDOCT zr_range = 0.023500:0.000001:0.024500; %scanning distance range, does not include sclera E_R_range = @(k) E_R(zr_range, k); I_D_TDOCT = @(k) (abs(E_R_range(k) + E_s(k))).^2; I_D_zr = integral(I_D_TDOCT, 4E6, 20E6, 'ArrayValued', true); figure, plot(zr_range, I_D_zr, 'Linewidth',2); xlim([0.023500, 0.024500]); title('TDOCT result, high coherence light source', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');xlabel('z_R(m)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');ylabel('I_D(z_R)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');%plot TDOCT result print('TDOCT high coherence light source ','-dpng');
I guess it's needless to explain anything now: it just looks terrible. Let's then see how would FDOCT looks like using a laser:
%FDOCT zr1 = 0.023500; %an appropriate zr choice E_R_k = @(k) E_R(zr1, k); I_D_FDOCT1 = @(k) abs(E_s(k)+E_R_k(k)).^2; k_range = 8E6:1E3:14E6; delX = pi/(2*(14E6-8E6)); x_range = 0:delX:delX*(length(k_range)-1); I_D_k1 = I_D_FDOCT1(k_range); i_D_z1 = dct(I_D_k1); %discrete cosine transform figure, plot(x_range+zr1, log(abs(i_D_z1)), 'Linewidth',2);%to illustrate the peak title('FDOCT result, high coherence', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');xlabel('z_s(m)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');ylabel('i_D(z_s)', 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold');set(gca, 'Fontsize', 12, 'Fontweight', 'bold'); print('FDOCT result high coherence','-dpng');
As disastrous as the previous one.
We hope that after these 4 episodes, all of you could understand the basic principles of OCT!
computer simulation
Fourier transform
frequency domain analysis
optical coherence tomography
time domain analysis
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