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Hello. Today we will use MATLAB program for simulation of gradient sensing by slime mold. In our previous episode we have write down explicitly the estimated concentration gradient in z direction by monitoring the position of inward particle flow and summing their cosine. That is
哈囉~,前面幾集我們已經討論過黏菌可以利用maximum likelihood estimation,紀錄粒子流入的位置,回推背景梯度。今天我們要用MATLAB來模擬這個情形,然後看看他的效果如何。上一集我們有提到最後利用MLE算得的z方向梯度是:
In the first part of our code we simply set the location of our slime mold cell and the speed of our nutrient particle. The diffusion constant D is calculated by knowing in 3D world, <r^2>=6DT.
And we could start our experiment:
哈囉~,前面幾集我們已經討論過黏菌可以利用maximum likelihood estimation,紀錄粒子流入的位置,回推背景梯度。今天我們要用MATLAB來模擬這個情形,然後看看他的效果如何。上一集我們有提到最後利用MLE算得的z方向梯度是:
So let's see how efficient and accurate it is.
Our MATLAB script
%% Basic setting tic; clear; clc; r_Dicty = 0; location_Dicty = [10,0, 0]; x_source = 0; width_source = 15; x_Boundary = 20; speed = 0.1; D = speed^2/6; t = 1; tRun = 40000; Detected_List = nan(tRun, 3); x_particle_all = nan(tRun, 3); v_particle_all = nan(tRun, 3); location_Dicty_rpt = repmat(location_Dicty, tRun, 1);
In the first part of our code we simply set the location of our slime mold cell and the speed of our nutrient particle. The diffusion constant D is calculated by knowing in 3D world, <r^2>=6DT.
%% get into steady state before our experiment while t<=tRun theta = rand(1,1)*pi; phi = rand(1,1)*2*pi; y_source = width_source*(rand(1,1)-0.5); z_source = width_source*(rand(1,1)-0.5); x_particle_all(t, :) = [x_source, y_source, z_source]; v_particle_all(t, :) = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), sin(phi)*sin(theta), cos(theta)]; %move x_particle_all = x_particle_all + v_particle_all*speed; %check collapse boundary a = x_particle_all(:,1)<0 -="" a="" b="x_particle_all(:,1)" v_particle_all="" x_particle_all=""> x_Boundary; x_particle_all(b,:) = nan; v_particle_all(b,:) = nan; c = x_particle_all(:,2) > 0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(c,2) = x_particle_all(c,2) - width_source; d = x_particle_all(:,2) < -0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(d,2) = x_particle_all(d,2) + width_source; e = x_particle_all(:,3) > 0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(e,3) = x_particle_all(e,3) - width_source; f = x_particle_all(:,3) < -0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(f,3) = x_particle_all(f,3) + width_source; %check collapse detector dist_all = (sum((x_particle_all - location_Dicty_rpt).^2, 2)).^0.5; e = dist_all <= r_Dicty; Detected_List(e,:) = x_particle_all(e,:); x_particle_all(e,:) = nan; v_particle_all(e,:) = nan; %change direction b = ~isnan(v_particle_all); c = b(:,1)&b(:,2); d = 2*pi*rand(tRun,1); e = pi*rand(tRun,1); v_particle_all = [sin(e).*cos(d), sin(e).*sin(d), cos(e)]; v_particle_all(~c,:) = nan; %next round t = t + 1; %display(t); end 0>
Because our experimental environment is a 15x15x20 hexahedral, which is quite large and is able to accommodate lots of particles, so before our experiment we must have our particle diffusion get into steady state. The above code could also be written in object-oriented coding. However, it would be much much more efficient in MATLAB if you could express everything you need to do in matrix form. The particles are generated in the left boundary and disappear if they collapse the right boundary. Let's see the result of above code:
Hmm, it looks like it is now in steady state. (Of course there are some ways to check if it is in steady state already. How will you do?) So now let's place our slime mold in the center.
%% place our slime mold cell r_Dicty = 3; dist_all = (sum((x_particle_all - location_Dicty_rpt).^2, 2)).^0.5; e = dist_all <= r_Dicty; x_particle_all(e,:) = nan; v_particle_all(e,:) = nan; x_particle_all(isnan(x_particle_all(:,1)),:)=[]; v_particle_all(isnan(v_particle_all(:,1)),:)=[]; nSurvived = length(x_particle_all(:,1)); t = nSurvived + 1; tRun = 60000; location_Dicty_rpt = repmat(location_Dicty, tRun, 1); x_particle_all_2 = nan(tRun, 3);x_particle_all_2(1:nSurvived, :) = x_particle_all; v_particle_all_2 = nan(tRun, 3);v_particle_all_2(1:nSurvived, :) = v_particle_all; x_particle_all = x_particle_all_2; v_particle_all = v_particle_all_2;
And we could start our experiment:
%% start experiment tMeasure = 300; nMeasure = ((tRun - nSurvived) - mod((tRun - nSurvived), tMeasure))/tMeasure; cz_estimated = zeros(nMeasure,1); while t<=tRun theta = rand(1,1)*pi; phi = rand(1,1)*2*pi; y_source = width_source*(rand(1,1)-0.5); z_source = width_source*(rand(1,1)-0.5); x_particle_all(t, :) = [x_source, y_source, z_source]; v_particle_all(t, :) = [cos(phi)*sin(theta), sin(phi)*sin(theta), cos(theta)]; %move x_particle_all = x_particle_all + v_particle_all*speed; %check collapse boundary a = x_particle_all(:,1)<0 -="" a="" b="x_particle_all(:,1)" v_particle_all="" x_particle_all=""> x_Boundary; x_particle_all(b,:) = nan; v_particle_all(b,:) = nan; c = x_particle_all(:,2) > 0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(c,2) = x_particle_all(c,2) - width_source; d = x_particle_all(:,2) < -0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(d,2) = x_particle_all(d,2) + width_source; e = x_particle_all(:,3) > 0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(e,3) = x_particle_all(e,3) - width_source; f = x_particle_all(:,3) < -0.5*width_source; x_particle_all(f,3) = x_particle_all(f,3) + width_source; %check collapse detector dist_all = (sum((x_particle_all - location_Dicty_rpt).^2, 2)).^0.5; e = dist_all <= r_Dicty; Detected_List(e,:) = x_particle_all(e,:); x_particle_all(e,:) = nan; v_particle_all(e,:) = nan; %change direction b = ~isnan(v_particle_all); c = b(:,1)&b(:,2); d = 2*pi*rand(tRun,1); e = pi*rand(tRun,1); v_particle_all = [sin(e).*cos(d), sin(e).*sin(d), cos(e)]; v_particle_all(~c,:) = nan; %next round if mod((t - nSurvived), tMeasure) == 0 j = (t - nSurvived)/tMeasure; Detected_List_temp = Detected_List; Detected_List_temp(isnan(Detected_List_temp(:,1)),:)=[]; nDetected = length(Detected_List_temp(:,1)); location_Dicty_rpt_temp = repmat(location_Dicty,nDetected, 1); diff_vec_temp = Detected_List_temp - location_Dicty_rpt_temp; cosine_detect = diff_vec_temp(:,1)./((diff_vec_temp(:,1).^2+diff_vec_temp(:,2).^2+diff_vec_temp(:,3).^2).^0.5); cz_estimated(j) = sum(cosine_detect)/(4*pi*D*r_Dicty^2*tMeasure); display(cz_estimated(j)); Detected_List = nan(tRun, 3); end t = t + 1; end 0>
So now our cute slime mold is measuring the gradient for us. However, before we ask him to print the result, we must have some idea about what we expect to get. Assume the ΔT means 1sec for each round. The experimental setting could be formulated into the following problem:
We have simplified our equation based on symmetry of our system already. The solution is very simple. And the estimated concentration gradient in x>0 would be:
因為系統在y & z方向對稱,所以我們已經偷偷簡化了擴散方程式。配合邊界條件,上面這串的解非常簡單(c = Ax+B),於是乎在x>0的地方濃度梯度其實就是:
因為系統在y & z方向對稱,所以我們已經偷偷簡化了擴散方程式。配合邊界條件,上面這串的解非常簡單(c = Ax+B),於是乎在x>0的地方濃度梯度其實就是:
So let's see if our expectation meets what we measured:
And the result we get:
The estimation of variance could be found in suggested reading. They perfectly match each other. We could also display our result in figure:
The tiny blue dots are the recorded particles. Noted that our slime mold only record a little particles compared to the number of particles in the background. It's really amazing, isn't it? And that's all about our this series, gradient sensing. I hope you enjoy it.
藍色的點是被黏菌偵測到的粒子,注意到我們的黏菌只記錄了一點點粒子而已,就得到了很正確的估計,這是不是很神奇呢?可見maximum likelihood的威力。 我們這個系列就到這邊結束囉,希望各位會喜歡。
cz_theoretical = -(1/(width_source*width_source))/(2*D); cz_best_estimate = mean(cz_estimated); var_cz_theoretical = -cz_theoretical*x_Boundary/(12*pi*D*r_Dicty^3*tMeasure); var_cz_estimate = var(cz_estimated); display(cz_theoretical); display(cz_best_estimate); display(var_cz_theoretical); display(var_cz_estimate); toc;
And the result we get:
The estimation of variance could be found in suggested reading. They perfectly match each other. We could also display our result in figure:
%% plot result [x,y,z] = sphere; figure surf(r_Dicty*x+location_Dicty(1),r_Dicty*y+location_Dicty(2),r_Dicty*z+location_Dicty(3)); hold on; axis square; Detected_List(isnan(Detected_List(:,1)),:)=[]; x_particle_all(isnan(x_particle_all(:,1)),:)=[]; if ~isempty(Detected_List) scatter3(Detected_List(:,1),Detected_List(:,2),Detected_List(:,3) , 1); end scatter3(x_particle_all(:,1),x_particle_all(:,2),x_particle_all(:,3) , 1); toc;
The tiny blue dots are the recorded particles. Noted that our slime mold only record a little particles compared to the number of particles in the background. It's really amazing, isn't it? And that's all about our this series, gradient sensing. I hope you enjoy it.
藍色的點是被黏菌偵測到的粒子,注意到我們的黏菌只記錄了一點點粒子而已,就得到了很正確的估計,這是不是很神奇呢?可見maximum likelihood的威力。 我們這個系列就到這邊結束囉,希望各位會喜歡。
Suggested reading and reference:
Endres, R. G. & Wingreen, N. S. (2008). Accuracy of direct gradient sensing by single cells. PNAS 105(41): 15749-15754.
Suggested reading and reference:
Endres, R. G. & Wingreen, N. S. (2008). Accuracy of direct gradient sensing by single cells. PNAS 105(41): 15749-15754.
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