#77 Brownian Carnot engine-I 微觀卡諾引擎-I on January 26, 2017 Carnot engine classical mechanics Hamiltonian thermodynamics +
90 Building bio-latches and checkpoint controls 如何製造出細胞週期 on November 07, 2018 bistability cell cycles latches sequential logic +
89 Mechanism of Torsades de Pointes on August 09, 2018 arrhythmia cardiology fixed point analysis ion channels physiology +
88 The origin of third heart sound - III on February 23, 2018 cardiology computer simulation ordinary differential equations physiology Python +
87 The origin of third heart sound - II on February 22, 2018 cardiology computer simulation ordinary differential equations physiology Python +
#86 The origin of third heart sound - I on February 10, 2018 cardiology computer simulation ordinary differential equations physiology +